Mapping Our Journey: A Look Into Our Adventures Ahead.

So where are we going exactly? What’s the itinerary, you might ask?

Well, we have been chipping away at our master itinerary for the last couples of months. It’s fairly structured but there are still a lot of gaps to fill in at this stage. Here’s the basic run down:

May / June 2024 - Japan (3 weeks), Singapore (4 days) London (6 days)

June / July / August 2024 - Ireland

August / September 2024 - Spain / Italy / maybe Morocco

October 2024 - Greece / Slovenia / Austria / Germany / France

November 2024 - Scotland / England

December 2024 - Denmark / Norway, maybe Sweden

This is what we’ve been focusing on over the last couple of months; booking flights and accommodation. We have certain sections of this itinerary booked in but other parts are still just a rough idea at this stage.

If everything goes to plan; our budget holds up and we’re all still enjoying our nomadic lifestyle, we then plan to spend the first half of 2025 in Central America, primarily around the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico. And maybe even a bit of South East Asia before coming home to Australia.

Our goal is to be away for a full whole year, from May 2024 - May 2025 but we will see how things unfold beyond our initial European & United Kingdom part of the journey.